What Is SaO2 – Meaning and How It Affects Your Health

Oxygen is vital for life, and its transportation in our blood is crucial for our survival. SaO2, or oxygen saturation, is a key metric in understanding how well oxygen is carried in the blood. Today, I will discuss SaO2, explaining its significance, how it is measured, and its implications on health. Key highlights The Basics … Read more

Emphysematous Changes: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Diagnosis, and Management

Emphysematous changes-chronic lung condition

Emphysematous changes refer to the structural alterations in the lungs caused by emphysema, a chronic lung condition characterized by damage to the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. One of the diseases that comprise Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), a group of lung diseases that cause airflow blockage and breathing-related problems. Understanding emphysematous changes is … Read more

Normal Oxygen Saturation by Age – A Comprehensive Breakdown

Normal Oxygen Saturation by Age - A Comprehensive Breakdown

Oxygen saturation (SpO2) is a crucial measure of your body’s oxygen-carrying capacity. It provides valuable information about your health, especially when it comes to respiratory and cardiovascular conditions. However, it’s essential to note that normal saturation can vary by age. This comprehensive guide will delve into the details, offering an in-depth exploration of what you … Read more

Oxygen Levels: Is 87% While Sleeping Safe?

stay safe while sleeping - Is 87% Oxygen Level Safe

Our bodies are amazing machines that continually adapt to changing conditions, one of which is oxygen availability. When we sleep, our bodies still require a steady supply of oxygen for vital processes. But, what happens if our oxygen levels fall, say to 87% while we’re fast asleep? This is not a trivial question; it has … Read more

Essential Responsibilities Every Medical Director of Respiratory Care Should Know

Medical Director of Respiratory Care

As the Medical Director, you hold a pivotal role in the supervision of Respiratory Care Services. Your accountability extends directly to the Medical Staff, who rely on your leadership to uphold the highest standards of patient care delivered by the Respiratory Care Service team. Your commitment to this role is round-the-clock, ensuring that these vital … Read more

Empowering Physicians and Enhancing Patient Respiratory Health

Empowering Physicians and Enhancing Patient Respiratory Health

With a rich history spanning over three decades, the National Association for Medical Direction of Respiratory Care (NAMDRC) continues to be a pioneering national organization comprised of dedicated physicians. Our mission remains steadfast: to educate our esteemed members and tackle the regulatory, legislative, and payment challenges that impact the delivery of exceptional healthcare to individuals … Read more

Understanding Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs) and Their Importance With CPT Codes

Understanding Pulmonary Function Tests and CPT Codes

In the realm of healthcare, the ability to accurately diagnose and treat conditions is paramount. Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs) play a crucial role in evaluating lung health and diagnosing respiratory conditions. These tests measure how well the lungs work, providing vital information about lung volume, capacity, rates of flow, and gas exchange. Concurrently, Current Procedural … Read more